Boat Surveys

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Contact - Robert Van Wyk 1-519-736-3242

Robert Van Wyk has been in the marine industry for over thirty ( 30 ) years. He has been completing marine surveys for over  twenty (20 ) years. Robert's sole profession is completing marine surveys and it is exclusive to Insurance surveys.

 Insurance Companies require a survey to satisfy them that the craft to be insured is in satisfactory condition. 

A marine survey can be completed within a day or two.

The survey will take place at the boat's location and it is NOT necessary for the owner to be in attendance. Access to the cabin and engine room is required.

The survey document will be provided, including a picture/s, in duplicate. A copy for you and a copy for your Insurance Company .

Cost is approximately $7.50 per foot including tax. 

Contact  -    Robert Van Wyk    



